There are different sects and groups in Islam. The splits have caused the real followers of the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions the need to distinguish themselves. This was done by the name Ahlu Sunnah or Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama'ah.
Ahlu Sunnah and Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama'ah refer to the same group. These are the followers of the Prophet (ﷺ) and his Companions, who follow them according to the understanding of the pious predecessors.

The teachings of Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama'ah are written in the books of the pious predecessors. The teachings has been spread by the Companions, Tabi'in (students of the Companions) and Atba Tabi'in (followers of the Tabi'in).
Ahlu Sunnah take the middle ground in Islam. They evade extremism from both sides. This by living the true teachings and refraining from newly invented matters.
This group is a small part of the Ummah. It has been the majority of the Ummah before the innovations spread. Since there are different sects in Islam (73 sects), this makes the minority.

It is true that Islam does not focus on numbers. A person can also simply be on the truth if he is alone on it. The Jama'ah, which refers to the community (or body of Muslims) that follows truth, does not need to consist of large numbers.

The origin of the term
After the Prophet's death (ﷺ) gradually more and more innovations spread in the Ummah. People started following their leaders, community and acquaintances. In this way the Ummah became divided into different sects. For example, think of the Khawarij, Shiism, Murjiah and more.
The right path was endangered as the truth became less and less seen. So the companions, their students, and their students distinguished themselves from others who followed innovation.
The pious predecessors were careful who they spoke to and distinguished themselves by the name Ahl Sunnah, Ahl Sunnah wal Jama'ah and others.
The term Ahlu Sunnah was used by Companion Ibn 'Abbas (radiyAllahu 'anhu) among others, as reported in books of Aqeedah.
Ibn 'Abbas (companion) said:“Concerning the verse, 'On that Day some faces will be bright, while others will be gloomy.' [Al-Imran: 106]. Those whose faces will shine on the Day of Judgment is Ahlu Sunnah. Those whose faces will be gloomy is Ahl Bid'ah/Ahl Dalala (Dalala = error)."(Sharh Usool I'tiqaad 1/72 of Imam Lalikaee)
Representatives of Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama'ah
The pious predecessors have done much to protect the true path of innovations. They are the Muslim scholars who have ensured that the correct understanding was guarded. They passed on the Prophetic traditions to spread the Sunnah from generation to generation.
Some of the well-known scholars:
- Malik bin Anas (Imam Malik)
- Al-Awzaa'ee
- Sufyan Al-Thawri
- Sufyan ibn 'Uyaynah
- 'Abdullah ibn Mubarak
- Fudhayl ibn 'Iyaadh
- Muhammad ibn Idris Al-Shafi'i (Imam Shafi'i)
- Ahmad bin Hanbal (Imam Ahmad)
- Al-Qasim bin Sallam
- Ishaq ibn Rahawayh
- Mohammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari (Imam Bukhari)
- Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj (Imam Muslim)
- Abu Dawud as-Sijistani (Imam Abu Dawud)
- Abu 'Isah Al-Tirmidhi (Imam Tirmidhi)
Do you recognize some names from the list? There are many more pious predecessors who have guarded the path of Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama'ah.