WAHHABIYYAH (Ibn Baz Defends the ‘Wahhabiyya’ and calls them such!)
Myth or Reality ?
Ibn Baz Defends the ‘Wahhabiyya’ and calls them such!
It is interesting to note that the pseudo-salafis of our age, in their darkness and evil, refuse to be called “Wahhabis”.
They take offence and even go to extremes in defending their innovated title of:
“salafi” over the ascription of others who call them: “wahhabis”.
“salafi” over the ascription of others who call them: “wahhabis”.
However, Bin Baz, their arch Imam in evil, anthropomorphism, treachery of the Muslims by releasing his fatwa that allowed the land of the sacred ka’abah – a land in which our very Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) still is alive within His grave, ‘alayhis salat wa salam, – to be inhabited by an army that defends the very emblems of economic tyranny through curses usury and political oppression and imperialism, called the wahhabis all sorts of wonderful names:
وليست الوهابية حسب تعبير الكاتب بدعاً في إنكار مثل هذه الأمور البدعية، بل عقيدة الوهابية: هي التمسك بكتاب الله وسنة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم، والسير على هديه، وهدي خلفائه الراشدين، والتابعين لهم بإحسان، وما كان عليه السلف الصالح، وأئمة الدين والهدى، أهل الفقه والفتوى في باب معرفة الله، وإثبات صفات كماله ونعوت جلاله
“… Rather! The creed of the wahhabiyya is holding fast with the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of His Messenger, traversing upon His guidance, and the guidance of his rightly guided Caliphs, and those who follow them in good, and whatever the righteous forefathers were upon, and whatever the Imams of the Religions were upon, and the people of fiqh and fatwa in regards the gnosis of Allah, and affirming the attributes of Allah etc etc etc….”
All lies, but the point here is that he clearly professes the
“Creed of the Wahabiyyah!”
Source the very site of binbaz in Saudi Arabia:
What is a Wahhabi?

^watch: Here
May Allah guide the Wahhabiyyah back to the pure Sunnah, the way of the righteous forefathers, and the Imams of the Muslims! May Allah allow their da’wah of evil to be overthrown, their plague removed, and the Sunni orthodoxy once again to gain control of the two Harams! Aameen!
Is it right to call someone a Wahabbi?
don't get confused with
The Giver of All, He who donates all blessings to his creatures.
One of the names of Allahu ta'ala is Al Wahhab. The definite article 'Al' (The) makes it different from Wahhab. So the name of Allahu ta'ala is Al Wahhab and not Wahhab.
Calling someone as Wahhabi has nothing to do with the name of Allahu ta'ala. The word Wahhabi is used for followers and supporters of Ibn Abdal Wahhab al Najadi al Tamimi.
His name was Mohammed, but the sunni scholars have always used Ibn Abdal Wahhabfor him , which means son of Abdal al wahhab.
Shaykh Abdal Wahhab was a sunni scholar and was aware of the deviant beliefs of his Najdi son.
For those that disagree have disagreed withImaam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Imaam Barbahaari, Shaykh 'Abdul Qaadir al-Jilaani, Imaam Muwaffaq ud-Deen Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdasiand many other scholars who used the termKaraamiyyah to refer to those who follow the innovator:
Mu-hammed Bin Karaam.
With the very same reason we use the termWahhabi or Wahhabiyyah for those who follow:
Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdul Wahhab.
With the very same reason we use the termWahhabi or Wahhabiyyah for those who follow:
Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdul Wahhab.
The Permissibility of Calling
a Wahhabi a Wahhabi
Labelling the groups is indeed a practice of the scholars. We have had many false cults that have broken themselves from the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah and have been thus labelled accordingly.
I.e. the Khawaarij, the Qadiriyyah, the Shi’a, the Raafidah,the Murji’ah, the Mutazilah, the Jahmiyyah, theJabbariyyah, etc.
This labelling has not been done with the intention to mock and insult, it is merely the way that scholars have categorized and labelled them when documenting the deviance of each group.
For example, if we was to walk into a shop and there was no labels on the tin food, then how would you differentiate between what is halal and what is haram?
How do you know that you are not picking up some dog food, or a tin of pork sausages in brine, whereas you intend to buy a simple tin of beans?
What about if you was to walk into a shop that sells medicines and the medicines had no labels. Without saying this would be detrimental to one’s health. Therefore the labelling is only a preventative measure to safeguard the common laity from being poisoned and taking what is forbidden for them
The scholars did this so that the laymen from amongst theAhl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah would avoid the false creedof such cults.
Thus the laymen would know to avoid the Kharijites, Jahmis, Shi’ates and so forth, and they would know not to seek religious verdicts from such deviants. They had every right to know about the snares of the false cults. Had these cults not have been labelled and discussed, our Islam, and Imaan would have been in deep peril from the innovations that these false cults have bought about.
To know how to avoid the false cults, then we would have to know their names and why they was called such and what they believed. Most of the times the cults would have been named after their founders, but yet somecults was named after the deviance in the creed itself, or in rare cases the country or city location they was from.
However, there was always a good reason why the scholars labelled a cult with a title and their intent in doing so was not derogatory in any sense.
The Karamiyyah was named after their founderMuhammad Ibn Karam and they were known for theirdenial of the Attributes of Allah.
The Khawaarij were named by the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam himself, he even called them the worst of creation and the dogs of the hellfire. The Khawaarijderives from the root Kha-ra-ja which means to exit, and that is exactly what the Khawaarij did. They exited the religion for rebelling against the rulers, takfeering the leaders and the general laity of the Muslims and making their blood permissible to spill.
The Hururiyyah, were a offshoot of the Khawaarij, named after their founder and their locality al-Hurur. Without labelling the cults in such a fashion, manyinnovations would have went unchecked, and the people would have lent their ears to the innovators unknowingly, and we would not have Islam in its pure form
The Prophet spoke about the dangers of the Khawaarijmore than any other cult that was to appear. This is recorded in the Ahaadeeth when one of his companionsDhul Khuwaisira at-Tameemi spoke and rebelled by questioning the Prophets honesty and integrity. He accused the Prophet of wrong-doing. The Prophet warned the Sahaabah that from Dhul Khuwaisira at-Tameemi’s offspring would appear a people that recited the Qur’an, but it did not go further than their throats, and that they would go out of the religion like an arrow goes through a deers body. The Prophet also warned us that theKhawaarij would keep appearing up until the appearence of the Dajjal.
Since the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam spoke of them so much, and his prophecies regarding them came true, and still come true to this very day, the scholars, past and present have deemed them to be the most dangerous cult to have ever plagued this earth. The Khawaarijdescended from the tribe of tameem and the tribe of tameem originated from the harsh deserts of central ‘Arabia known as Najd.
Not only has the Prophet warned us about the Khawaarij, he also warned us much about the fitnaah that would arise and come from Najd. In one hadeeth he refused to du’a for Najd, whereas he would regularly pray for Sham, Yemen, Iraq and other locations of the Muslim world.
This does not mean that everybody from Najd or from the Banu Tameem is evil and misguided. This thought is a false notion propagated by some of our brothers.
Indeed we have Abdul Wahhab himself, the father of themisguided Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab. We also haveSulaymaan Ibn Abdul Wahhab. Both were great Hanbali scholars that are renown for their condemnation of the of their very own family member Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab who spearheaded the Wahhabi cult.
So whenever you hear a cultist talking about the virtues of the Bani Tameem, then do not be fooled, for indeed the offspring of Banu Tameem can be either righteous or evil. After all the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam said“from amongst their offspring will arise a people”, he did not say “All of his offspring”.
We have to be fair and keep this factor in mind when dealing with these issues. However, do not be tricked by those who call evil good and call the good evil, for this is exactly the stance that cultists take when you discuss their cult. What I mean by this is that the virtues of Bani Tameem can never refer to Dhul Khuwaisira, or theKhawaarij, nor Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab, no matter if he is a descendant from Isma’el alayhis Salaam, because it is known that the descendants of the Prophets went astray, such as Bani Israel, the children of Yaqub alayhis Salaam. And most certainly we are all Bani Adam.
So now we have considered these points the question still remains, is it legitimate to label the people who respect and adhere to the teachings of Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab as a Wahhabi?
Secondly is this truly a distortion of Allah’s divine name al-Wahhab? and thirdly, is this merely a title used by the enemies of Islam?
Since classical scholars have labelled those, who argue that humans do not have any free will, with the titleJabbariyyah, it is perfectly permissible to label the deviant creed and following of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab as the Wahhabiyyah.
al-Jabbar and al-Wahhab
are both names of Allah,
and to call somebody a Jabbari or a Wahhabi is simply making them term
al-Jabbariyyah or al-Wahhabiyyah into its active participle.
This can be seen by the fact that the active participle for the Jahmiyyah is Jahmi and anybody that is on the creed of the Jahmiyyah is known as a Jahmi.
This is not a distortion of the names of Allah. For the simple reason being that the terms Jabariyyah, Wahhabiyyah, Karaamiyyah and Qadiriyyah are allderivatives of Allah’s name, which means they may have the same same root, they may share the same reappearing trilateral letters but, the nouns Jabbariyyah, Wahabiyyah and so forth are not the actual names ofAllah when said in this form of a noun. The same goes for the active participle Wahhabi, in which when spelled in the Arabic language has a yaa as its final letter, and therefore is not the same as saying the Lord’s name al-Wahhab. Anybody with a basic understanding of Arabic morphology [ ilm us-sarf] would know this fact and would not use such a false argument as these Wahhabisare doing in order to scare their following into believing that they are not a false cult. and Allah knows best
Ibn Baz recognises the legitimacy of the term “wahabiyya” for the so called Salafi movement.
Ibn Baz says:
مجموع فتاوا ومقالات متنوعة
الوهابية منسوبة إلى الشيخ الإمام محمد بن عبدالوهاب رحمه الله المتوفى سنة ١٢٠٦ه, وهو الذي قام بادعوة إلى الله سبحانه في نجد
الوهابية منسوبة إلى الشيخ الإمام محمد بن عبدالوهاب رحمه الله المتوفى سنة ١٢٠٦ه, وهو الذي قام بادعوة إلى الله سبحانه في نجد
مجموع فتاوا ومقالات متنوعة, ٢٣٠
[Questions of Muslim newspaper, dictating Abdul Aziz Bin Baz, in 12/3/1417 AH. (1996CE)]
The Deobandi/Tablighi
"akabir's" :
"We are Wahhabis"
In fact, clarifying and reiterating his and the beliefs of theDeobandis, Maulvi Manzoor Nomani, head of theTableeghi Jamaat states:
"And we also state here clearly that we are extreme “Wahabis"
"And we also state here clearly that we are extreme “Wahabis"
In the words of the Patron of Tableeghi Jamaat, Maulvi Mohammad Zakaria Khandhalvi:
"Maulvi Sahib, I myself am a greater Wahabi than you."
"Maulvi Sahib, I myself am a greater Wahabi than you."
In the words of the Central Directorate of " Tableeghi Jamaat' Maulvi Ashraf Ali Thanwi:
"Brother, here Wahhabis reside, do not bring anything for 'Fathea, Niaz', etc. here."
(Ashrafus Sawaneh Book 1 - Page 45)
"Brother, here Wahhabis reside, do not bring anything for 'Fathea, Niaz', etc. here."
(Ashrafus Sawaneh Book 1 - Page 45)
Maulvi Rashid Ahmad Gangohi states: " The followers of Mohammad Ibne Abdul Wahab are called “Wahabis”, their beliefs were excellent."(FATAWA-E-RASHIDJA - Vol. 1- Page 111)
Wahhabi Kaun?
Hazrat Pir Syed Naseer Ud Din Naseer Shah Sahib (RA)
Watch video in Urdu/Punjabi : Here
Wahhabism -
Myth or Reality ?
Myth or Reality ?
Haji Dost Muhammad Qandahari
Excerpt from letter 30 of the Maktubat of Hāji Dost Muhammad Qandahāri Naqshbandi(1801-1868), a great Naqshbandi master of India in the 19th century
Written to Molvi Abdullāh, advising him to refrain from the beliefs of the Wahhabi sect
It has come to knowledge through the visitors that Molvi Ghiyās ad-Dīn believes in the issues of the Wahhabi sect and teaches these issues to the people. Therefore it is emphasized to you in writing that abhor the beliefs of the Wahhabis and loathe by heart the Ismāīli Wahhabi sect [1].
To maintain the right doctrine and to do the (righteous) acts, the books written by the pious ancestors the Ahl as-Sunnāt wal-Jamā’ah are sufficient for us.
These books should be under your consideration, do not read the writings of the Wahhabi sect and refrain from their beliefs. If you wish to observe the powerful effect of our Great Masters in yourself, may Allah best sanctify their secrets, then you should follow your masters in all issues, practical or doctrinal, apparent or inner. Allah willing, you will get the fruit of the Reality and Cognition of the Exalted Haqq.
Just say: Allah bass Māsiwā Abas wa Hawas wan-Qati’ alaih in-Nafs
(Allah is sufficient, everything else is vain and lust, cut-off yourself from them).
That’s all.
And Salām is the best ending!
Written on the 23rd of Shawwāl 1279 H. (Sunday 12 April 1863 C.E.)
[1]. Here the word Ismāīli refers to Molvi Ismāīl Dehlavi who brought the Wahhabi beliefs from Arabia to India
More info: Here
Dahlan, al-Sayyid Ahmad ibn Zayni (d. 1304AH/1886CE).
Mufti of Mecca and Shaykh al-Islam (highest religious authority in the Ottoman jurisdiction) for the Hijaz region: al-Durar al-saniyyah fi al-radd ala al-Wahhabiyyah ["The Pure Pearls in Answering the Wahhabis"] pub. Egypt 1319 & 1347 H; Fitnat al-Wahhabiyyah ["The Wahhabi Fitna"]; Khulasat al-Kalam fi bayan Umara' al-Balad al-Haram ["The Summation Concerning the Leaders of the Sacrosanct Country"], a history of the Wahhabi fitna in Najd and the Hijaz.
Mufti of Mecca and Shaykh al-Islam (highest religious authority in the Ottoman jurisdiction) for the Hijaz region: al-Durar al-saniyyah fi al-radd ala al-Wahhabiyyah ["The Pure Pearls in Answering the Wahhabis"] pub. Egypt 1319 & 1347 H; Fitnat al-Wahhabiyyah ["The Wahhabi Fitna"]; Khulasat al-Kalam fi bayan Umara' al-Balad al-Haram ["The Summation Concerning the Leaders of the Sacrosanct Country"], a history of the Wahhabi fitna in Najd and the Hijaz.
Dawud ibn Sulayman al-Baghdadi al-Hanafi(1815-1881 CE):
al-Minha al-Wahbiyya fi radd al-Wahhabiyya ["The Divine Dispensation Concerning the Wahhabi Deviation"]; Ashadd al-Jihad fi Ibtal Da`wa al-Ijtihad ["The Most Violent Jihad in Proving False Those Who Falsely Claim Ijtihad"].
al-Minha al-Wahbiyya fi radd al-Wahhabiyya ["The Divine Dispensation Concerning the Wahhabi Deviation"]; Ashadd al-Jihad fi Ibtal Da`wa al-Ijtihad ["The Most Violent Jihad in Proving False Those Who Falsely Claim Ijtihad"].
Al-Haddad, al-Sayyid al-`Alawi ibn Ahmad ibn Hasan ibn al-Qutb
Sayyidi `Abd Allah ibn `Alawi al-Haddad al-Shafi`i: al-Sayf al-batir li `unq al-munkir `ala al-akabir ["The Sharp Sword for the Neck of the Assailant of Great Scholars"]. Unpublished manuscript of about 100 folios; Misbah al-anam wa jala' al-zalam fi radd shubah al-bid`i al-najdi al-lati adalla biha al-`awamm ["The Lamp of Mankind and the Illumination of Darkness Concerning the Refutation of the Errors of the Innovator From Najd by Which He Had Misled the Common People"]. Published 1325H.(1907CE)
Al-Hilmi al-Qadiri al-Iskandari, Shaykh Ibrahim: Jalal al-haqq fi kashf ahwal ashrar al-khalq ["The Splendor of Truth in Exposing the Worst of People] (pub. 1355H).(1936CE)
Al-Husayni, `Amili, Muhsin (1865-1952).
Kashf al-irtiyab fi atba` Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab ["The Dispelling of Doubt Concerning the Followers of Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab"]. [Yemen?]: Maktabat al-Yaman al-Kubra
Kashf al-irtiyab fi atba` Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab ["The Dispelling of Doubt Concerning the Followers of Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab"]. [Yemen?]: Maktabat al-Yaman al-Kubra
Ibn `Abidin al-Hanafi, al-Sayyid Muhammad Amin: Radd al-muhtar `ala al-durr al-mukhtar, Vol. 3, Kitab al-Iman, Bab al-bughat ["Answer to the Perplexed: A Commentary on "The Chosen Pearl,"" Book of Belief, Chapter on Rebels]. Cairo: Dar al-Tiba`a al-Misriyya, 1272 H.(1855CE)
Al-Mirghani al-Ta'ifi, `Allama `Abd Allah ibn Ibrahim (d.1793):
Tahrid al-aghbiya' `ala al-Istighatha bil-anbiya' wal-awliya ["The Provocations of the Ignorant Against Seeking the Help of Prophets and Saints"] (Cairo: al-Halabi, 1939).
Tahrid al-aghbiya' `ala al-Istighatha bil-anbiya' wal-awliya ["The Provocations of the Ignorant Against Seeking the Help of Prophets and Saints"] (Cairo: al-Halabi, 1939).
Mu'in al-Haqq al-Dehlawi (d. 1289):
Sayf al-Jabbar al-maslul `ala a`da' al-Abrar ["The Sword of the Almighty Drawn Against the Enemies of the Pure Ones"].
Sayf al-Jabbar al-maslul `ala a`da' al-Abrar ["The Sword of the Almighty Drawn Against the Enemies of the Pure Ones"].
Al-Muwaysi al-Yamani, `Abd Allah ibn `Isa:Unpublished manuscript of a refutation of the Wahhabi sect.
Al-Nabahani al-Shafi`i, al-qadi al-muhaddith Yusuf ibn Isma`il (1850-1932):
Shawahid al-Haqq fi al-istighatha bi sayyid al-Khalq (s) ["The Proofs of Truth in the Seeking of the Intercession of the Prophet"].
Shawahid al-Haqq fi al-istighatha bi sayyid al-Khalq (s) ["The Proofs of Truth in the Seeking of the Intercession of the Prophet"].
Al-Qazwini, Muhammad Hasan,(d.1825CE)
Al-Barahin al-jaliyyah fi raf` tashkikat al-Wahhabiyah ["The Plain Demonstrations That Dispel the Aspersions of the Wahhabis"]. Ed. Muhammad Munir al-Husayni al-Milani. 1st ed. Beirut: Mu'assasat al-Wafa', 1987.
Al-Barahin al-jaliyyah fi raf` tashkikat al-Wahhabiyah ["The Plain Demonstrations That Dispel the Aspersions of the Wahhabis"]. Ed. Muhammad Munir al-Husayni al-Milani. 1st ed. Beirut: Mu'assasat al-Wafa', 1987.
Al-Tamimi al-Maliki, `Allama Isma`il (d.1248AH)(1832CE)
Shaykh al-Islam in Tunis: wrote a refutation of a treatise of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab.
Shaykh al-Islam in Tunis: wrote a refutation of a treatise of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab.
al-Zahawi al-Baghdadi, Jamil Effendi Sidqi (d. 1355AH/1936CE):
al-Fajr al-Sadiq fi al-radd 'ala munkiri al-tawassul wa al-khawariq ["The True Dawn in Refuting Those Who Deny the Seeking of Intercession and the Miracles of Saints"] Pub. 1323/1905 in Egypt.
al-Fajr al-Sadiq fi al-radd 'ala munkiri al-tawassul wa al-khawariq ["The True Dawn in Refuting Those Who Deny the Seeking of Intercession and the Miracles of Saints"] Pub. 1323/1905 in Egypt.
Al-Maliki al-Husayni, Al-muhaddith Muhammad al-Hasan ibn `Alawi: Mafahimu yajibu an tusahhah ["Notions that should be corrected"] 4th ed. (Dubai: Hashr ibn Muhammad Dalmuk, 1986); Muhammad al-insanu al-kamil ["Muhammad, the Perfect Human Being"] 3rd ed. (Jeddah: Dar al-Shuruq, 1404/1984).
and many other scholars...
A Demonstration that the Wahhabis are Khawarij
taken from the book 'Ihya al-Maqbur' pages 59-60.
by the late Muhaddith of the Age,
Imam Abu'l-Fayd Ahmad ibn Abi Abdallah al-Siddiq al-Ghimmari,
author of 143 books.
taken from the book 'Ihya al-Maqbur' pages 59-60.
by the late Muhaddith of the Age,
Imam Abu'l-Fayd Ahmad ibn Abi Abdallah al-Siddiq al-Ghimmari,
author of 143 books.
“As for the Qarniyyun, their land has not been blessed by Allah with any wali or salih since the beginning of Islam down to the present day. Instead, he only gave it the Qarn al-Shaytan ['the Devil's Horn'], whose followers were the Khawarij of the thirteenth and subsequent Islamic centuries. So fear God, and do not be like he who is beguiled by them, and supports their corrupt sect and worthless opinion, and their state of misguidance which was explicitly described by the Prophet (upon whom be blessings and peace), who characterised them as the 'Dogs of the Fire' [kilab al-nar], and informed us that they are the 'worst of all who dwell beneath the sky', and that they 'swerve from the religion as an arrow swerves away from its target,' and that they mouth among the best of sayings in the form of their prattlings about Tawhid, and implementing the Sunna, and combating bid'as - and yet, by Allah, they are drowning in bid'a; in fact, there is no bid'a worse than theirs,which causes them to 'swerve from the religion as an arrow swerves away from its target', in spite of their superficial efforts in worship and adherence to the religion. It is as the Prophet (upon whom be blessings and peace) declared: 'one of you would despise the prayer he says among them, and the fasting he completes with them; they recite Qur'an but it goes no further than their collarbones.'
It is for this reason that he refrained (upon him be blessings and peace) from making du'a for Najd in the way that he had prayed for the Yemen and for Syria, for he said: 'Allahumma bless us in our Yemen; bless us in our Syria' - and they said, 'And in our Najd, o Messenger of Allah?' (upon him be blessings and peace), but he repeated his prayer for the Yemen and for Syria; and they repeated their utterance; until he said, the second or the third time round, in order to explain why he would not pray for Najd:
'That is the place of earthquakes, and fitnas, and from it the Devil's Horn shall rise.' [Narrated by Bukhari.] And nothing has emerged from there to bring about earthquakes and fitnas in the religion like Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who was astray and led others astray. Hence he was the Devil's Hornforetold by the Messenger (upon him be blessings and peace), and he abstained from offering prayer for Najd because of him, and because of the fitnas which would flow from hisdemonic da'wa. Whoever adheres to that da'wa has committed unambiguous kufr, and is destined for apostasyand 'swerving from the religion', as is visible in the case of the other mulhids [heretical unbelievers] of the age who are notorious for their ilhad, for in every case they began by holding fast to the sect of the Devil's Horn, as is well-known to scholars of experience and insight.”
(Edited by ADHM)