Part 6 - The Twigs & Leaves
The Wahhabi Tree
The Twigs and Leaves
(Embellishment and Adornment)

"As its ugly fruit, like the heads of the devils"

Even today, this sect is known by these names: Salafi,Wahhabi, Najdi and Ahl al-Hadith...etc
India 1912

It is generally known that today they prefer to call themselves:
Initially, at the time when the British were ruling in India, the followers of ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab an-Najdi were calledWahhabis but Maulana Mu-hammad Husayn Batalvi made an application to the viceroy of India that they be calledAhl al-Hadith rather than Wahhabi - this application was granted.
Syed Nazeer Husain Dehlawi (1805-1902) was a leading scholar of the reformist Ahl-i Hadith movement and one of its major proponents in India.
Siddiq Hasan Khan (b.1832-d.1890)
Muhammad Hussain Batalvi (b.1840-d.1920)
The Punjab had been a seat of violent insurgent activities by theWahabis for about fifty years from 1830 till 1880. The government had to send twenty expeditions to subdue theWahabi movement.
The term Wahabi had assumed a rather derogatory connotation in India and in the later parts of the Nineteenth CenturyWahhabism had been associated with militant insurgency in the Punjab and North West Frontier of British India. It was in this context that Batalvi requested that they be 'un-linked' from an unwanted impression of being Wahabis.
Batalvi wrote an application to the then Viceroy of India Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton that they be calledAhl-e-Hadith rather than Wahabi, which was granted on 19 January 1887. [ Magazine Isha'at-as-Sunnah, (محمد حسين بٹالوي، اشاعۃ السنۃ،ص:47، لاہور،ج:11,شمارہ،2)]
The Twigs

Pharaohs of our time
The Creation of Evil
Salafi Sect
1-Jamal al din al Affghani (d.1897CE)
Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī, in full Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī al-Sayyid Muḥammad ibn Ṣafdar al-Ḥusayn, also called Jamāl al-Dīn al-Asadābādi, (born 1838, Asadābād, Persia [now Iran]—died March 9, 1897, Istanbul), Muslim politician, political agitator, and journalist whose belief in the potency of a revived Islamic civilization in the face of European domination significantly influenced the development of Muslim thought in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Very little is known about Afghānī’s family or upbringing.Despite the appellation Afghānī, which he adopted and by which he is best known, some scholars believe that he was not an Afghan but a Persian Shīʿite (i.e., a member of one of the two major divisions of Islam) born in Asadābād near Hamadan in Persia. An appreciable part of Afghānī’s activities took place in areas where Sunnism (the other major division of Islam) was predominant, and it was probably to hide his Persian and Shīʿite origin, which would have aroused suspicion among Sunnis, that he adopted the name Afghānī. As a young man, he seems to have visited, perhaps in order to extend and perfect his theological and philosophical education, Karbalāʾ and Al-Najaf, the Shīʿite centres in southern Mesopotamia, as well as India and perhaps Istanbul. The intellectual currents with which he came in contact remain obscure, but whatever they were, they made him early into a religious skeptic. [Source]
At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he went to India (1855/6) to continue his studies. During his stay in India until 1882, Afghani became closely acquainted with the positivistic ideas of Sayyid Ahmad Khan (1817-1898) and wrote his famous The Truth about the Neichari Sect and an Explanation of the Necharis (Hakikat-i Madhhab-i Naychari wa Bayan-i Hal-i Naychariyan), first published in 1881 in Hyderabad, in rejection of S. A. Khan andhis followers. The book was later translated by Muhammad ‘Abduh into Arabic and published as The Refutation of the Materialists (al-Radd ‘ala al-dahriyyin) in Beirut, 1886. [Source]
Agent Blunt, whose house he stayed at in London, sent him to Istanbul to discuss the Egypt matter. However, al-Afghani was never able to leave. Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid II decided to take advantage of him in order to strengthen the Ottoman caliphate among the Shiite Arabs in Iraq. But he relinquished after discovering that al-Afghani had made a deal with the British and was trying to establish an Iraq-based Arab caliphate. He also prevented al-Afghani from going to Arabia. He provided him a mansion and servants, and even wanted to wed him. But the idea was rejected on the grounds that he is "married to his cause."
Al-Afghani never got married. He advised the sultan with respect to turning the Ottoman country into a federation, pursuant to the British policy of that century, but he couldn't convince him. He took offence to the sultan. Sultan Hamid later described him as "a foolish British spy." [Source]
While in Egypt he joined the Star of the East Masonic temple,on the 7 July 1868 during his stay, his membership number was 1355, he also later founded the Masonic Lodge of Cairo and became it’s first Grand Master, and he joined the French Grand Orient similarly becoming Grand Master of it, all indications of his competency with the occult.
His ideas were the precursor to other movements that would come later, many would achieve his aims like the Young Turks in Turkey, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi movements in Egypt, that he and his students founded.
In 1884 he began publishing an Arabic newspaper in Paris withMuhammad Abduh entitled “The Indissoluble Link” and began a society by that name, they wrote many harmful articles on reform in religion
2-Mu-hammed Abdu (d.1905CE)
Muhamed Abduh:
“Man is created from one soul,
so it matters very little if their father is Adam or a monkey”
[Marwa Elshakry, Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860–1950 (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013), 175.]
Mu-hammed Abduh was the main student of Afghani, Half Turkish and Half Arab he was born in 1849 and died in 1905, he was labeled a Mutazili by scholars after the heretical Mutazili sect and like Afghani he was also a Mason and had a close relationship to the Bahai religion due to Afghani and hisMasonic affiliations. Under al Afghani, Abduh combined journalism, politics with his own fascination with Islamic Mysticism and the Occult (Sihr).
At the age of 28 Abduh joined the Masonic Lodge, the Kawakab al Sharq, Planet of the East, it’s members included Prince Tawfiq, the Khedive’s (ruler of Egypt) son and heir, leading personalities such as Muhammad Pasha who had been a minister, Sulayman Abaza Pasha and Saad Zaghlul. A.M. Broadbent declared that Abduh was a zealous Master of a masonic lodge, in line with Masonic principles, and stated that Afghani “looked forward to seeing Muslims read the torah and bible”.
In 1887 he was granted the degree of Alim (teacher) and began to teach logic, theology and ethics at al Azhar University, both his father and mother where from the ruling elite of Egypt. In 1887 he was appointed professor of history at Cairo’s teachers training college, later it became part of Cairo University, and was also appointed to teach Arabic at the Khedivial school of languages, all key positions aimed at influencing and molding the next generation of teachers in Egypt.
Abduh was then appointed editor and chief of al Waqai al Misriyya the official state newspaper.
In 1870 when al Afghani was exiled Abduh was exiled to his home village, but the following year he was granted control of the national gazette and used this as a means to spread his sectarian beliefs. He was then exiled from Egypt for his role in the Egyptian national revolt in 1879.
He spent several years in Ottoman Lebanon were he corrupted the local Islamic education system.
In 1884 he moved to Paris were he joined al Afghani, he also visited Britain and discussed the state of Egypt and Sudan with high ranking British Officials. He then returned to Ottoman Lebanon were he furthered his corrupt aims by spreading his twisted version of Islam to those who didn’t know his background.
He then returned to Egypt in 1888 and was appointed as a Judge and in 1891 he became a consultative member for the court of appeal.
In 1899 he was appointed Gran Mufti of all Egypt and held the position until he died.
This back and forth, up and down career may seem confusing but is actually the clearest indication of corruption and political struggle between orthodox Islam and western forces, at the time they were trying to dismantle traditional Islamic institutions by injecting their own followers and educators into key positions, it was part of their long term goal to corrupt the Egyptian peoples understanding of Islam by making them learn it from heretical figures whose background and history was unknown to them.
Abduh was one of the founders of the Salafi movement,claiming his teachings were from the ‘Salaf’ directly, a slogan he would throw in people’s faces to deflect from the truth.
He was one of the first to use the famous Salafi formula and slogan that Islam “must be taken from the salaf”, the earliest generations of Muslims, but it was largely a mask hiding the rest of his teachings.
His methods for converting people was to loudly proclaim he was a Salafi only teaching the purest of pure Islam, by omission everyone else wasn’t. Anyone that would be attracted by it, it would take them a long time to figure out that anything was wrong, but by that time they had already filled their minds with a twisted version of religion and didn’t know the first place to begin in riding themselves of it. Combine this with his practice of the occult in indoctrinating and we can see his methods were very effective in converting people in a short span of time.
In his position as the “highest” Islamic Authority in the land Abduh gave many anti-Islamic rulings like permitting Ribaloans, this “endeared” him to the British, he died in Alexandria in 1905.

3-Rashid Rida (d.1935CE)
One of Abduh’s most important students Mu-hammed Rashid Rida was an early radical Islamist, his works would inspireHassan al Banna the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as his successor Syyid Qutb.
After Abduh died Rashid Rida was Abduh’s leading Successorwho continued his work, he was born in Ottoman Syria in 1865and died in 1935, his heretical ideas would influence later 20th century Islamist extremists in developing their twisted and myopic idea of what an Islamic state is.
He was said to be one of his generation’s most controversial thinkers who was deeply influenced by the early Salafi movement founded by Afghani and Abduh.
In 1884-5 he was first exposed to al Urwa al Wathqa, the journal of al Afghani and Abduh and in 1897 he left Syria for Cairo to collaborate with Abduh in his work, the following Year they Launched ‘al Manar’, a weekly and then monthly journal which Rida worked on until his death in 1935.
Al Mannar was one of Hasan al Banna’s main source of inspiration before founding the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Asad the Quran translator was a new convert to Islam at the time, he fell in with the Muslim Brotherhood and took much from the works of Rashid Rida, he quotes al Manar often in his translation of the Quran and it is his second or third most referenced source.
Rashid Rida was a leading exponent of Salafism, and was especially critical of what he termed “blind following” of traditional Islam, a slogan designed to twist the perspective of young minds, making them automatically defensive about subjects they had not even learnt yet. He encouraged both the laymen and educated to interpret Islam’s main sources, the Quran and Sunnah, for themselves inventing their own legal rulings as they liked, under a Khalifah this was state law, so imagine a person asking people in England to begin inventing their own laws for government and then living by them, the result of this in the wider society served nothing but his greater aims of anarchy to serve the British Empire that employed him and his teachers.
He believed in Darwin’s original theory of evolution, which is now outdated, and to justify this Rida considered it permissible to “interpret” Quranic accounts in an entirely allegorical manner, like the story of Adam. He believed the origin of the human race was a history derived from the Jews and that Muslims are not obliged to believe it, hence after nullifying entire passages in the Quran he could then discard them outright paving the way for his own teachings.
Along with his support for the British against the Ottomans, he held a number of delusional beliefs such as his view that microbes are possibly a species of Jinn, he permitted riba, interest on loans, and the construction of statues despite later salafi’s having a fanatical stance regarding them.
Rashid Rida deliberately engineered his attacks and blamed Islam’s downfall, first on Sufi excesses in worship as if prayer could lead to a person’s downfall, the blind imitation of the past despite the fact that the Ottoman Empire he was attacking had the most sophisticated Legal and Bureaucratic system in the world and was not the cause for its downfall.
The failure to achieve progress in science and technology was placed squarely at the feet of Islam’s religious scholars despite the fact this was not their role or profession in life, and again in spite of the fact the Ottoman Khalifah was still amongst the most advanced Empires on earth.
They had to maintain one of the world’s largest empires, hence undeveloped areas within its vast borders were compared to the most dense cultural centres in Europe for the sake of ridicule.
Despite these seemingly obscure views Rida was a Mason like his teachers, his works spread around the Muslim world influencing many individuals including the popular Salafi writer Nasir al din al Albani who quotes it and said it was one of the most influential works on his life.
Rida’s ideas were foundational to how modern sects viewed the“Modern” Islamic state, everything he wrote was to subvertly and subtly make Muslims conclude against Islam’s Schools of Law (Madhabs). He understood that if Muslims believed that they came to these conclusions by themselves, then that idea would have a longer lasting effect in society.
The Heretics Plans
We should also add, because there is a lot of confusion, that theSalafi movement and the Wahhabi movement are two different groups, the Wahhabi’s are the people of Saudi Arabia, their movement began 250 years ago in that country, the Salafi movement was started in Egypt by these people before WWI,the Saudi Government doesn’t control the Salafi movement.

Further reading:
or visit: Here
Al-Manar (journal)
Rashid Rida printed a Magazine called "Al Minar" which was disseminated all over the Muslim world and for the first time ever "Salafi Manhaj" was born. (also see: al-Albani)
Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966)
48 - Sayyid Qutb, one of the religion reformers of this century, too, announced his admiration for Ibn Taymiyyaand Muhammad 'Abduh in almost all his books. In The Future is Islam's, for example, he praised only the word 'Islam' but he did not explain what he understood from this word or in which madhhab he was. On its ninety-fourth page, he wrote: "The spiritual leader struggling in thefront row of those who protected Muslim countries against the Tatar invasions was Ibn Taymiyya."
1. Fatwaa of Shaikh Nasir ud-Deen al-Albani
The Muhaddith and Imaam, al-Albani – rahimahullaah – said, commenting upon the book ‘al-Awaasim Mimmaa Fee Kutub Sayyid Qutub Min al-Qawasim’ of Shaikh Rabee’ bin Haadee, "Everything with which you have refuted Sayyid Qutb is the truth (haqq) and is correct (sawab). And it will become sufficiently clear from this refutation to every one who has read anything from "The Islamic Heritage" that Sayyid Qutb had no knowledge of the Usool (fundamentals) or the Furoo’ (subsidiary matters) of Islaam. So may Allaah reward you with the best of reward, O brother Rabee’ for fulfilling the obligation of explaining and uncovering his ignorance and deviation from Islaam."
Source: From the Shaikh’s own handwritten letter which he wrote prior to his death in 1999. A photocopy of the original is included in the book itself as an appendix.
2. Fatwaa of Shaikh ‘Abdul-Azeez Ibn Baz
Some parts of the book of Sayyid Qutb ‘at-Tasweer al-Fannee fil-Qur’aan’ were read to him such as his speech about Moosaa -‘alaihis-Salaam - upon whom he said: "Let us take Moosaa - as the example of the leader of excitable nature - and this excitable impulse quickly passes away and he regains his composure, as is the case with the excitable folk." Then he said with regard to the Saying of Allah - the Most High - "Fa as-ba-hu fil madinati kha bi fan..." :- "This is the description of a well known state: the restlessness or fear of one expecting evil at every turn - and this is the characteristic of the excitable folk." [‘at-Tasweer al-Fannee fil-Qur’aan’: p.200,201,203. 13th ....]
So the Shaikh replied to this: "Mockery of the Prophets is apostasy in its own."[*]
And is was said to him that Shaikh Rabee’ al-Madhkhalee has written a refutation of Sayyid Qutb, so the Shaikh said: "Rebuttal of him is good."
[*] And unfortunately the Qutubi movement clothing itself as Salafiyyah, has not only gone to the extremes in Takfir but has also fallen into the extremes of Irjaa’ in that it seeks to defend, nay even promote, the books and writings of their leaders and mentors which contain statements of disbelief and apostasy (examples will be given in Part 2, inshaa’allaah). Shaikh Rabee’bin Haadee said, commenting upon Imaam al-Albani’s description of the Qutubiyyah as "The Khawarij of the Era",that "it is more befitting that they be called Murji’ah of the Era before they are called Khawarij of the Era". Refer to al-Asalah (Vol. 24)
Source: During a lesson of Shaikh ‘Abdul - ‘Azeez ibn Baaz - hafizahullaah - in his house in Riyaadh 1413H, ‘Minhaajus-Sunnah tapes of ar-Riyaadh
3. Fatwaa of Shaikh ‘Abdul-Azeez Ibn Baz
A section of the book "Kutub wa Shakhsiyaat" (p.242) was read out to the Shaikh and in which Sayyid Qutb accuses of Mu’awiyah and Amr Ibn al-Aas of lying (kadhib), deception (ghish), treachery or trickery (khadee’ah), hypocrisy (nifaaq), and taking bribes (rishwah).
So he replied: "These are repugnant words!! These are repugnant words. Revilement of Mu’awiyah and of Amr Ibn al-Aas. All of this is repugnant and evil words. Mu’awiyah and Amr and whoever was with them made ijtihaad and erred[*], and those who perform ijtihaad and err then may Allaah pardon us and them.
[*] Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan in checking through this made the comment, "Being resolved that they erred is not clearly apparent, but if it was said, "They were mujtahidoon, if they were correct they have two rewards and if they erred they have one reward, yet their error is forgiven", it would have been much better and more just."
The questioner then said, "What about his statement that there is hypocrisy (nifaq) in them both, is that not takfir of them?"
Shaikh Ibn Baaz replied, "This is an error and a mistake which is not disbelief. For his revilement of some of the Companions or just one of them is evil (munkar) and sinfulness (fisq) and he deserves to be given exemplary punishment for it – we ask Allaah to pardon him – however, if he reviled most of them and declared them sinners then he would become an apostate, because they are the Carriers of the Revelation. When he reviles them then this means that he is reviling the legislation."
The questioner then said, "Should not these books in which these statements exist be forbidden?"
Shaikh Ibn Baaz replied, "It is necessary for them to be torn to pieces".
Then the Shaikh said, "Is this in a newspaper?"
The questioner said, "In a book, may Allaah be benevolent to you."
The Shaikh asked, "Whose book?"
The questioner said, "Sayyid Qutb…".
The Shaikh said, "These are repugnant words".
The questioner, continuing, "… in ‘Kutub wa Shakhsiyaat’"
Source: The cassette ‘Sharh Riyaad us-Saaliheen’ dated 18/7/1418H.
4. Fatwaa of Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Uthaimeen
Question: "What is your saying concerning a man who advises the Sunni youth to read the books of Sayyid Qutb, especially ‘Fee Dhilaal il-Qur’aan’ and ‘Ma’aalim Fit-Taareeq’, without warning about any of the errors and deviations present in these books?"
Answer: "My statement – may Allaah bless you – is that whoever gives sincerity of purpose to Allaah, His Messenger, and his brother Muslims, that he should encourage the people to read the books of those who have preceded us from the books of tafsir and other than tafsir. These books contain more blessings, are more beneficial and are much better than the books of the later ones. As for the tafsir of Sayyid Qutb – may Allaah have mercy upon him – then it contains great calamities, however we hope that Allaah pardons him. In it are great calamities, such as his tafsir of Istiwaa and his tafsir of "Qul Huwallaahu Ahad", and similarly, his description of one of the Messengers with something unbefitting."
Source: From the Cassette: Aqwaal ul-Ulamaa Fee Ibtaal Qawaa’id wa Maqaalaat Adnaan Ar’oor, and checked by Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen himself on 24/4/1421H, with one slight revision who changed the phrase "Anaa Ra’yee…" to "Anaa Qawlee…". [main : Source]
The Devil's Horns

Bin Baaz, (1910- 1999)
Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Abdur-Rahaman ibn Muhammad ibn Abdullah alee Baaz as Bin Baaz, was the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia from 1993 until his death in 1999.
"The Correct Belief and the Things that are Against this Belief."
On p. 58 of this book he states:
"Second: Whoever places intermediaries between himself and Allahu ta'ala, begs them, asks them for intercession and trusts them, becomes kafir with ijma.
"Second: Whoever places intermediaries between himself and Allahu ta'ala, begs them, asks them for intercession and trusts them, becomes kafir with ijma.

al-Albani (1914-1999)
Mu-hammad Nasiruddin al-Albani
“He also learnt from his father the art of clock and watch repair - and became highly skilled in that and famous for it and derived his earnings through it. He began to specialise in the field of Hadeeth and its related sciences by the age of 20 - being influenced by articles in'al-Manaar' magazine.”
more info: ^ The Clockmakers Son

al-Uthaymeen (1925-2001)
Abu 'Abd Allah Mu-hammad ibn Saalih ibn Muhammad ibn al-Uthaymeen at-Tamimi an-Najdi.
He made the following statements in his Fatawa:
"No human being seeks a means through something except he believes that it possesses effectiveness towards the end he desires."
"No human being seeks a means through something except he believes that it possesses effectiveness towards the end he desires."
He made this statement in order to enable himself to declare those who make tawassul, apostate.
"We must not call the Messenger of Allah
Habîbullâh("the Beloved of Allah") but only Khalîlullâh ("the Intimate Friend of Allah").

"We should not ask the Prophet
to ask forgiveness for us because the deeds of a human being end the moment he dies and he cannot even ask forgiveness for himself."

Shaykh Mamduh called this statement "impudent" and "a blunder"
and refuted it in Raf` al-Minara (p. 81-86).
Like the rest of his sect, `Uthaymin is an anthropomorphist who asserts "two eyes" for the Most High and Exalted in his commentary on Ibn Taymiyya's al-Wasitiyya, whereas none of the Salaf went beyond asserting "the eye" and "the eyes" without adding "two" into the letter of the Qur'an and the hadith, and Ibn Hazmremarked,
"To say that He has two eyes is null and void and part of the belief of anthropomorphists."
Abu Dhar said,
“I was with the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) one day and I heard him saying:
It was then that I became afraid, so I said: ” Oh Rasool Allah!Which thing is that?”
The Leaves

"As its ugly fruit, like the heads of the devils"
The anthropomorphists continue on this evilpath to destroy the correct belief in the Creator. They lie when they claim to be Sunnis!

Ibn Jibreen (1930-2009)
Dr. Abdullah Bin Jibreen, one of the Kingdom’s senior Ulema
Extinct for 400 years
He admitted that his belief system was only taught in hiding!
He admitted that his belief system was only taught in hiding!
Hidden for 4 Centuries
(were the Mujaddids of Islam also hiding for 400 years?)
(were the Mujaddids of Islam also hiding for 400 years?)
...In short, if you are a follower of Ibn Jibriin, Ibn Baaz, Ibn ˆUtħaymiin, and other so-called“Salafis,” know that you are a follower of a sectthat has been in hiding for most of history since the Hijrah. They claim to know and follow what the Salaf believed, although they are in opposition to 95% of all scholars of all the major Islamic sciences.
Part of this belief includes:
1. Denying the use of rational proof to prove that the Creator exists,
2. Questioning the mind as a tool for knowing right from wrong,
3. Believing that despite the mind being unreliable, a belief that has been narrated in hiding over several centuries is known with absolute certainty to be correctly narrated.
If you think that is just fine, and doesn’t sound like a setup for making you accept blindly, then I can’t help you."


And the example of a bad saying is like a filthy tree, which is cut off above the ground, therefore not having stability.
[Ibrahim 14:26]


ForeFathers of Deobandi Evil
Ismail Dehlvi (d. 1246 AH/d.1830CE) =author of Taqwiat-ul-Iman & Sirat-e-Mustaqeem...etc
Qasim al-Nanautwi (d. 1297 AH/1879CE) =author of TahzeerunNass & Tasfiat-ul-Aqaid...etc
Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi (d. 1323 AH/1905 CE) =author of Fataawa Rasheediyah...etc
Khaleel Ahmad Ambethvi (d.1346 AH/1927 CE) =author of Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah...etc
Ashraf Ali Thanvi (d. 1362 AH/1943 CE) =author of Hifz-ul-Iman...etc
Note:^ Their Original (old books) in Urdu and Persian not the edited Urdu and English Versions/Translations that the Deobandi keep boasting about!
AL MUHANNAD says ibn abdul wahab was a bad man who killed sunnis and this mufti of deobandis say that ibn abdul wahab was a good man !" to please the Sunni Arab Scholars!
This is called policy of appeasement !
Also see : proof/scans
Offshoot of the Wahhabi-Deobandis

The Tableeghi Jamaat in one breath contradicts itself.
They claim it is a Sunnah of the Prophets and Sahaba and in the same breath, that the
founder of this movement is

If in reality this is a Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) as claimed, then it must be proven by authentic Islamic books that the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the Sahaba also used to form Jamaats and do Ghast and Tableeg of Kalima and Namaaz amongst Muslims?
If this is proved to be Sunnah of the Prophet(Sallalaahu Alayhi
Wasallam) and Sahaba, then why was this Sunnah ignored for 1400 years and do
WE classify all the past Spiritual Illuminaries as anti-Sunnah?
If this claim be true that this is the Sunnah practice, then surely
Molwi Llyas is definetly not the founder.
If it is the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) then they are the rightful founders of Tableeg and not Molwi Ilyas as claimed. If Molwi Ilyas is the founder, then obviously this type of Tableeg did not existbefore him, and if so, it can be called a Sunnah.
(It is Bidah!)
Molwi Ihtashmul Hasan,
the most
respected confidant, Khalifa and Brother-in-Law of
Molwi Ilyas
(founder of Tableeghi Sect)
From childhood to old age the major portion of his life was spent in leading and guiding Tableeghi Jamaat.Establishing a relationship with the Saudi Wahabi government was his personal achievement. In spite of this he has stripped the Tableeghi Jamaat absolutely naked at the junction for all to openly see.
The name of his kitaab is "Zindagi Ki Sirat-e-MustÃkeem."
Under the heading ‘Zaroori Intibah’ (important announcement) he writes:
"The present form of Tableeg taking place from Markaz Nizamudeen (Headquarters of Tableeghi Jamaat), in my opinion and knowledge is neither in accordance with the Quran or Hadith. It is not in agreement with the teachings of Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-e- Saani and Hazrat Shah Wali-ullah Muhaddis Dehlawi and the rightly-guided Ulema.
Those Ulema who are actively engaged in Tableeg, it is their first and foremost duty to conform it to the teachings of Quran, Hadith and the past leaders and Ulema. It is beyond my comprehension that a service, which in the lifetime of Moulana Ilyas was confined to Bidat-ê-Hasana (good innovation) in spite of the strict implementation of Osool’s (principles), can now be regarded as the most important service to Islam,even if done absolutely haphazardly. Now in its degenerated state it cannot even be called a good innovation (Bidat-ê-Hasana). I want to expose this and end my responsibilities."
Some comments were made in a book called:
(Author – Molwi Qaamrudin Mazahiri):
"Moulana Ihtashaamul Hasan Kandhalwi is a foundation member of this movement. Recently, he made a severe attack on Tableeghi Jamaat and has labeled it as a group that mislead people. It is surprising that being the initial member and advisor up to now, his views being implemented for so long, principles were formulated by him totally, what evil does he now see, that has generated his opposition?"
(ChashmaÃ-Aaftaab, pp/3, printed in Kanpur).
Molwi Mehmood Hasan Gangohi has also commented:
"I was under the impression that Molwi Ihtashaamul Hasan has left the Tableeghi Markaz in Delhi due to ill health and permanently settled in Kandhala and owing to this, is unable to participate in Tableeghi activities. But it was not so. The actual reason of his abstention from the Tableeghi Jamaat was that in his opinion the present Tableeg is not a religious act and, on the contrary, corrupts the religion."
(ChashmaÃ-Aaftaab, pp/7)
Elsewhere he writes:
"You regard this Tableeg contrary to Quran and Hadith and acause of destruction of the Ummah."
He further comments: "You have not clarified as exactly after how many years of
Molwi Ilyas’s death this Tableeg degenerated from good to bad innovation and
became a destructive factor for the Ummah. Was it so immediately?"
(Chashmae Aaftaab, pp/e5)
The question is not
"How long it took to degenerate from
Bidat Hasana to Bidat Sayyia?"
Bidat Hasana to Bidat Sayyia?"
(from good to evil Bidah).
The real question is
"What was the status of
"What was the status of
Tableeghi Jamaat in the life time of Moulana Ilyas?
Was it a Bidah or Sunnah?"
Was it a Bidah or Sunnah?"
A passage of time does not change the status of an organisation, so why were simple
Muslims misled into believing Tableegh to be a Sunnat, whilst in reality it is a Bidah?
He goes on: "I am surprised to see that you sat and watched an organisation to which you had been attached for so many years deteriorate right before you and you
could not even issue a single statement against it." (Chashmae Aaftaab, pp/7)
Moulana Ihtashaamul Hasan has pointed out two important facts i.e.
1. Tableeghi Jamaat, in its present form is an evil Bidat, because of its Islamic Defects and inherent fitna.
2. The present Tableeghi Jamaat is definitely not in accordance with Quran and Hadith or in agreement with the schools of thought of Shah Waliallah, Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Thani or other past luminaries of Islam.
(The latter is the reviver of Islam who served in India in the 10th Century)
more info: here

Other Leaves of the Wahabi Tree
Jama'at-e-Islami, Ahle Hadith, Jamiat Ahle Hadith, Jama'atut Da'wa, Jamiat-e-Ulama-e-Hind,Millat-e-Islamia, Tanzeem-e-Islami, Jama'atul Muslimeen, and Taliban splinter groups.
The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said:
"Seventy-two (of the 73 sects of the Muslim nation) will be in the fire, and only one will be in Paradise; it is the Jama'ah (i.e. Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah)." (Abi Dawud, Ad-Darimi, Ahmad)
The Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has prophesied that many individuals and religious sects will cause dissension and mischief till the Day of Judgment. He has made a particular reference to the Wahabi Movement
---Hazrat Abu Huzaifa (Radiallahu Anhu) narrates a Hadith concerning the leaders of the mischief makers: "I swear by Allah that the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has not left out a single leader of Fitna from this day to the Day of Qiyamah. Their followers would number 300 or more and further gave their names and that of their tribe." (Abu Dawood)
Scabs of Shaitaan
Imam Abu Ya’la (Rehmatullah Alay) narrates a Hadith from Hazrat Anas bin Malik (Radiallahu Anhu) and the Author of ‘Ibriz’ who states:
"Hazrat Anas Bin Malik (Radiallahu Anhu) narrates that in Medina, there lived a very ‘pious’ youngster. One day we made reference about this youngster to the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam). In spite of the Sahaba describing the youngster’s features and character to the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam), the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) was unable to recognise the youngster made mention of. However, a few days later, whilst we were in the company of the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam), the young man passed that way. On seeing the young man, the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) exclaimed: ‘I see the scabs of Shaitaan imprinted on his face.’ The youngster then approached the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and made salutation.
The Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) then said to him:
‘Is it not true that right now you are thinking that there is no one better than yourself here.’ The youngster then replied: ‘Yes, these thoughts did pass my mind.’ He then walked away into the Musjid.
The Prophet then enquired as to who will kill this person.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiallahu Anhu) volunteered to do so and entered the Masjid and saw the person he was to kill engrossed in performing his Salaat and he remembered a Hadith of the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) which prohibited one from killing a person who is performing his Salaat and returned to the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam).
The Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) again enquired as to who will kill the youngster, this time
Hazrat Umar (Radiallahu Anhu) volunteered to kill him and entered the Musjid and found the youngster performing his Sajda and with the same thoughts as Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiallahu Anhu), Hazrat Umar (Radiallahu Anhu) returned to the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam). For the third time the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) again enquired who will kill the youngster, this time?
Hazrat Ali (Radiallahu Anhu) volunteered to do so, the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: ‘You will surely kill him, if you find him.’
When Hazrat Ali entered the Musjid, he was surprised to see that the youngster was no longer in the Musjid and he too like the others returned to the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam).
The Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:
‘If you had only killed him then all the Fitna in my Ummah till Day of Qiyamah would have been wiped out and no two persons in my Ummah would have fought between themselves.’"
[Ibreez Shareef. pp/277, Author Allama Shah Abdul Aziz Dab bag (ra)]
"Umar (Allah be pleased with him) said to me: Do you know what can destroy Islam?"
I said: "No." He said: "It is destroyed by the mistakes of scholars, the argument of the hypocrites about the book (of Allah), and the opinions of the misguided leaders." (Mishkatul Masabih, 1/269, Trans. A.H. Siddiqui)
Ibrahim ibn Maisara reported Allahs Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying:
"He who showed respect to an innovator he in fact aided in the demolishing of Islam." (Bayhaqi - see Mishkatul Masabih, 1/189, English Ed.)
Masjid-e- Dirar
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his Companions finally threw them out of the mosque and the Munafiqeen were compelled to build their own mosque nearby called:
Masjid-e- Dirar
Masjid Dirar was built near Masjid Qubâ' in Madinah, by the hypocrites led by Abu Amir Rahib. They invited the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم to pray there, with intention to trick and mislead him. But Allâh did not permit the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم to go and pray there. As it says in Surat At-Taubah:
And those (hypocrites) who built a mosque to cause harm, and due to disbelief, and in order to cause divisions among the Muslims, and to await the one who is at the outset an opponent of Allah and His Noble Messenger; and they will surely swear that "We wished only good"; and Allah is witness that they are indeed liars.[Taubah 9:107]
Subsequently Allah ordered the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) to burn and raze their mosque to the ground.


Reported in the reference of Nawawi
"Gardens of Righteousness"Abdullah, the son of Amr
The Protection of Mecca andMedina
The Protection of Mecca and
"The anti-Christ will enter each and every city except Mecca and Medina .
The domes in those two cities will be guarded by angels standing in rows.The anti-Christ will arrive at Sabakhah and Medina will shake thrice --every unbeliever and hypocrite will be cast out."
Reported by Umm Sharik in the reference of Nawawi, "Gardens of Righteousness"
The Mischief of the anti-Christ

From the creation of Adam to the Day of Judgement there is no affair that is greater than the mischief of the anti-Christ."
"The Day of Judgement will not commence until the Muslims have fought the Unbelievers
and the Unbelievers seek refuge behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree calls out:
'O Muslim, there is a Unbeliever hiding behind me, come and kill him.'
But the thorny Gharkad tree will not call out because it is the tree of the Unbelieverss.'"
Reported in the reference of Nawawi, "Gardens of Righteousness" and Bukhari and Muslim by Abu Hurayrah.
The End of The Wahhabi Tree

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 30, Number 105:
Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said,
"There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Mecca and Medina, and there will be no entrance (road) (of both Mecca and Medina) but the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Medina will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earth-quakes will take place) and Allah will expel all the nonbelievers and the hypocrites from it."
"There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Mecca and Medina, and there will be no entrance (road) (of both Mecca and Medina) but the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Medina will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earth-quakes will take place) and Allah will expel all the nonbelievers and the hypocrites from it."