Cradle of Islam

Ibn ` Abbas, Mujahid and several others commented on this Ayah,
"Whoever denies the necessity of Hajj becomes disbeliever, and Allah is far Richer than to need him. ''
Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr Al-Isma` ili recorded that
Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA) said, "Whoever can afford Hajj but did not perform it , there is no difference in his case if he dies while Jew or Christian. ''
This has an authentic chain of narration leading to Umar(RA).
Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA) said, "Whoever can afford Hajj but did not perform it , there is no difference in his case if he dies while Jew or Christian. ''
This has an authentic chain of narration leading to Umar(RA).
The Horrors

^Modern Islamic Architecture
When the House of Saud took control of Arabia in the early twentieth century the holy places of Islam as well as the Hajj (pilgrimage) fell into their hands. From then until today the Saudis have imposed their strict Hanbalite ideology - Wahabism - upon Arabia and, by extension, upon the rest of the Muslim world. At first they assured Muslims everywhere that the sacred sites of Islam would be put under the jurisdiction of an international committee, but this has failed to eventuate. Instead, the sacred sites of Islam have suffered under Wahabi puritanism and much degradation and desecration has occured.
Cradle of Islam

before the Wahhabi Evil destruction
As we all know :
Most infamously, on the 8th day of Shawwal, 1345 AH (April 21st, 1925) King Ibn Saudordered the demolition of ancient mausoleums in Medina along with tombs at the Jannat-al-Mualla cemetery in Mecca. Among these tombs were those of the Prophet Muhammad's mother, several of his wives, his grandfather and other of his ancestors.
This was just the first of many acts ofvandalistic zealotry by which the Saudis have stripped Arabia of tombs and shrines and places commemorating sacred events. In Wahabi ideology all such things are idolatrous.
As well, the once beautiful architecture of the Ottomans (Turks) has been demolished,cemeteries desecrated, sacred places bulldozed and tarred over while at the same time the Saudis have built huge, modern monstrosities with their oil wealth.
They have "renovated" the Haram (sacred precinct) in Mecca and reorganised the pilgrimage, imposing their own ignorance upon one of the sacred obligations (the Hajj) of the Muslim faith.
An essential part of the Hajj is to re-enact the distress of Hagar as she runs between two hills (Safa and Marwah) in search of water. The Saudi authorities have now completely enclosed these two hills within a massive building and installed an automatic moving pavement (travelator) between the two.
The entire symbolism of Hagar's search has been obliterated and the hills themselves have been destroyed to accomodate the building and the moving sidewalk. The authorities are in the process of adding air-conditioning to the entire complex.
Surely the Safa and the Marwa are among the signs appointed by Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage to the House or pays a visit to it, there is no blame on him if he goes round them both; and whoever does good spontaneously, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing.
[Quran 2:158]
Note: Advertising on
The ka'bha "Billboard"
contact: Directly Here>
The First person to cover the Ka'bah with cloth/silk was King Tab’a Awwal Hamiri (Tab’a Hamiri) or (Tubbah Harreri) Ancestor of Hazrat Abu Ayub Al-Ansari(ra)
The colour of Kiswa kept changing during the reigns of different Caliphs and rulers. In earlier days the kiswa was changed on 10th of Muharram but slowly it was shifted to 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.
Amir Muaawiya(radiyallahu anhu) started to cover it on 10th Muharram (first month of Muslim calendar) as well as on Idd ul-Fitr (Ramadan). In olden days different clans of Makkah would cover the Kaaba by turns yearly. Tribal leaders would also bring small drapes to cover the walls of Kaaba.
Once the grand mother of Prophet Mohammed (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) had offered a white Kiswa. Prophet Muhammed(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam)) used the Kiswa made of Yemeni cloth.
Once the grand mother of Prophet Mohammed (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) had offered a white Kiswa. Prophet Muhammed(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam)) used the Kiswa made of Yemeni cloth.
Caliphs Umar(radiyallahu anhu) and Uthman(radiyallahu anhu) covered it with an Egyptian white cloth, Qubati.
Haroon Al-Rasheed used a white Kiswa.
The cloth would come from Baghdad, Egypt and Yemendepending on whose influence was greater in Makkah. Viceroy of Egypt Mohammed Ali Pasha after splitting from the Turkey Empire, made making of the Kiswa the state responsibility. The Kiswa was brought by annual caravan from Cairo.
Nassir Abbasi (1160-1207) started using a green Kiswa and later shifted to black, since then the black kiswa has become the tradition. Earlier the Kiswas were plain. Only in 1340 the embroidery border tradition was introduced by the Egyptian ruler Hassan.
During World War I Turkey joined Germany and there were doubts that will it be possible to bring the Kiswa from Egypt. SoTurkey organised a very grand Kiswa from Istanbul and by Hejaz Railway it was sent to Madinah. But the Kiswa from Egyptreached Makkah in time, so the Istanbul Kiswa was kept back in Madinah.
In 1923 when the relations of Sheriff of Makkah and Egypt were sour, the Egyptians called back their Kiswa which had reached Jeddah by that time. That year the Istanbul Kiswa lying in Madinah was utilised.
Nassir Abbasi (1160-1207) started using a green Kiswa and later shifted to black, since then the black kiswa has become the tradition. Earlier the Kiswas were plain. Only in 1340 the embroidery border tradition was introduced by the Egyptian ruler Hassan.
During World War I Turkey joined Germany and there were doubts that will it be possible to bring the Kiswa from Egypt. SoTurkey organised a very grand Kiswa from Istanbul and by Hejaz Railway it was sent to Madinah. But the Kiswa from Egyptreached Makkah in time, so the Istanbul Kiswa was kept back in Madinah.
In 1923 when the relations of Sheriff of Makkah and Egypt were sour, the Egyptians called back their Kiswa which had reached Jeddah by that time. That year the Istanbul Kiswa lying in Madinah was utilised.
Ibn Saud used the Kiswa made in Iraq.
In 1926 a factory was set up at Makkah by Late King Abdul Azizto make the Kiswa. Initially all the craftsmen were brought fromIndia. It took more than 100 craftsmen the whole year to weave the cloth on ancient wooden handlooms and to embroider it in magnificent calligraphy.
In 1926 a factory was set up at Makkah by Late King Abdul Azizto make the Kiswa. Initially all the craftsmen were brought fromIndia. It took more than 100 craftsmen the whole year to weave the cloth on ancient wooden handlooms and to embroider it in magnificent calligraphy.
In 1937 the factory was closed down due to non availability of modern machinery.
The factory was re-opened after a long gap in 1962. Making of the Kiswa is an interesting process and done in different stages.The best silk is imported from Italy and Germany.
Saudi rejected raising hajj quotas:
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has rejected requests by 40 countries to increase their hajj quota this year because of development projects now under way in the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina, local dailies said on Wednesday.
"The ministry has apologised to all countries which had asked to increase the number of their pilgrims this year... (because of) the giant development projects in Mecca and Medina which make it difficult to accommodate more numbers," hajj minister Bandar al-Hajjar was reported as saying.
Every Muslim country has a hajj quota of 1,000 pilgrims per million inhabitants. The quota system was imposed after an attempt by Saudi police to stifle a demonstration by Iranian pilgrims holding an anti-US and anti-Israel protest in 1987 sparked clashes in which 402 people died, including 275 Iranians.
Last year, nearly three million Muslim pilgrims performed the hajj, the world's largest annual gathering. The authorities had not indicated that they would be able to accommodate more pilgrims this year.
Saudi King Abdullah has officially launched a $10.6-billion (7.3-billion-euro) extension project of the Grand Mosque in Mecca. The peak of this year's hajj is expected to take place on or around October 25.
Hajj 2018 cost £5,000 per person from (UK)
Mum, Dad do you want to go to Hajj?
Yes , But....
Hajj 2012£3195 per Rich person
Hajj 2014
£3600 - £3800
(That’s almost £4,000.00 - per person/2weeks)
Hajj 2017
4-Sharing-£5095.00 each person
Hajj 2018
Best Price while its still HOT
From £4, 750.00 to £5,695.00
*per person
min wage in April 2017 UK £7.50 per/hour
£15,000/£20,000 /year
Hold on but Mum & Dad Both want to Go!
You need min £10,000...hmmm
You need min £10,000...hmmm
Bloody Ridiculous
"Honey, I am bored...
Let’s go on...Holy-Day"
'Not at that... price!
Darling but ...we also get
3D Cinemax Movies in UHD 4K
The Horrors of Modern Islamic Architecture
It is true that the number of pilgrims going to Mecca in recent times has swelled out of all control. We can sympathize with the difficulties this must present the Saudi authorities. Stampedes and people being crushed to death have become regular features of every Hajj. The authorities have rightly been criticized for their handling of the crowds and for their failure to curtail the number of people undertaking superfluous pilgrimages.
Some countries have imposed quotas on the numbers that can go to Mecca each year, but it is pilgrims from the Arab countries and Gulf States - often on their fourth or fifth Hajj - that are swelling the numbers.
Rather than deal with this some Saudi authorities have suggested that the best way to control the numbers is to ban women from the Hajj.
More generally, one of the causes of the problem is that wealthy Muslims everywhere have adopted Mecca as a place for a
"holiday with God"
- spiritual tourism –
and think nothing of going to the Hajj every few years.
For too many, the Hajj is supposed to compensate for their otherwise secular and godless lives. They neglect the prayer, their avoid the fast, they don't pay the zakat
- but they think they can buy salvation with a quick trip to Mecca.Muslim leaders have failed to preach against this!
In particular, they might have preached against making multiple pilgrimages and urged Muslims to give the sum of their airfare to the poor instead:
The Hajj has become anextravagance, even to the point that it must be deemed sinful to waste money (and polluting air fuel) on multiple pilgrimageswhen such resources might be put to far better purposes:
Saudi Arabia ranks number one in food waste
The amount of FOOD that is thrown away is unbelievable at Mecca/Madina 5*Hotels, when asked "why is this extra surplus food not given to the poor?" the answer is there are no poor here to give and the Saudi government is strict and insist that the food is thrown away?
But you see a beggar(a child or a women begging) for money at every street corner outside of the holy mosques ???
Update:Sep 2018
The Saudis Want Pilgrims to Spend More Time Shopping
Mecca: Come to fulfill your religious duty. Stay for the shopping.
Saudi Arabia, and its developers and retailers, are set to cash in on a spending bonanza fueled by the unique position of having a city that every able-bodied Muslim in the world must visit once in their lifetime. Helped by state investment, Mecca is set to see shopping-mall space almost triple by 2025, according to Colliers International.
As part of a government plan to wean the economy off oil, the state aims to boost the number of foreign pilgrims to 30 million per year by 2030 from 7 million last year, realizing the potential of a sector that currently makes up 20 percent of the kingdom’s non-oil economy, according to Oxford Business Group.
The holy city is currently under-served by malls due to a shortage of plots and high costs, with many shoppers opting to head to nearby Jeddah, Colliers said in a report last week. But that’s expected to change and mall space is set to grow to 804,000 square meters (8.7 million square feet) by 2025. Mecca’s biggest developers are likely to construct a sizable portion of the future mall supply, it said.
The $9.6 billion Jabal Omar Development Co. is already taking advantage by building homes and malls as well as a project near the Grand Mosque that will include 38 hotels and some of the country’s largest malls. The kingdom’s wealth fund has also jumped on the bandwagon with a new company to aid an expansion project that it says will contribute $2.1 billion annually to the national economy. Another company likely to benefit is Makkah Construction and Development Co., which focuses on projects near the mosque.
Spending by pilgrims during the five-day Hajj season alone is set to reach $5.6 billion by 2022, up from $4.2 billion last year, according to a research report cited in Saudi-owned Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. The minor Umrah pilgrimage to the city is voluntary and takes place all year around.
Mecca has undergone a transformation as Saudis seek to accommodate an ever-growing number of pilgrims that make up the vast majority of the country’s tourism industry. Some of the world’s biggest hotels have opened up or are under construction in the city, where towers and cranes crowd the horizon outside the world’s biggest Mosque.
A project to expand the capacity of the Grand Mosque to 2.5 million people from 1.5 million has recommenced after it was halted following a crane collapse in 2015 killed more than 100 people. Other projects that stalled after a drop in oil prices hit the economy are also resuming across the country.
Revenue from pilgrims could rival and even exceed the kingdom’s vast oil returns in the long term, Jabal Omar’s Chief Executive Officer Yasser Al-Sharif told a conference in Riyadh last year. Oil is a commodity that can be substituted, he said,“pilgrimage is not.” Here
Hajj 2015
May 23, 1994: A stampede killed at least 270 pilgrims at the stoning of the Devil
April 15, 1997: 343 pilgrims were killed and 1,500 injured in a tent fire
April 9, 1998: at least 118 pilgrims were trampled to death and 180 injured in an incident on Jamarat Bridge.
July 2, 1990: A stampede inside a pedestrian tunnel (Al-Ma'aisim tunnel) leading out from Mecca towards Mina and the Plains of Arafat led to the deaths of 1,426 pilgrims, many of them of Malaysian, Indonesian and Pakistani origin.
February 1, 2004: 251 pilgrims were killed and another 244 injured in a stampede during the stoning ritual in Mina.
January 12, 2006: A stampede during the stoning of the Devil on the last day of the Hajj in Mina killed at least 346 pilgrims and injured at least 289 more. Eastern access ramps to the Jamarat Bridge.
September 24, 2015
Hajj stampede death toll raised to 1,453 Here
Toll from Hajj stampede outside Mecca reaches 2,000 Sources: Here
Hajj tragedy death toll crosses 4,000: Reports:Here
The Saudi government confirms the death toll in the recent Hajj tragedy has reached 4,173,media reports say.
Saudi Vice Minister of Health Hamad bin Muhammad Al-Duweila said on Tuesday that he has received a photo showing that 4,173 pilgrims were killed in the tragic incident in Minda, near the holy city of Mecca, according to some reports.
The Saudi Health Ministry asserted that heat exhaustion and suffocation are to blame for the pilgrims’ death, the reports said. Here
Evil Saudis Bulldoze
Dead Hajj Pilgrims
Like Garbage!
Worlds Tallest
Bare Foot Bedouins
-construction has started-
The Kingdom Tower will be built in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, estimated time of completion for the project is 5 years!
The Holy Prophet (s) replied,
“That slave women give birth to their mistresses; and that you see barefoot, unclothed, beginning shepherds competing in the construction of tall buildings.”
[Part of Hadith in Sahih Muslim]
Saudi Government:
" What did You say? "
" What did You say? "
You heard...
Paid by The Muslim Ummah
Paid by The Muslim Ummah
Muslims (50+) who are unable to afford the travel costs & their ridiculous accommodations!
Filthy Rich
Shame on you!
Those bloody thirsty greedy ..... ,who are on their 3rd,4th,5th and even 10th Hajj...should be Banned!(for at least 5 to 10 years) to lower the numbers!
Shame on you!
Those bloody thirsty greedy ..... ,who are on their 3rd,4th,5th and even 10th Hajj...should be Banned!(for at least 5 to 10 years) to lower the numbers!
Mecca for the rich:Islam's holiest site'turning into Vegas'Historic and culturally important landmarks are being destroyed to make way for luxury hotels and malls, reports Jerome Taylor
"Holiday with Santa"
Wait for it...
We also have one for the
Filthy Rich
“Mummy please...!

Eat all you can do not worry...
"Honey, wait for me..."
"But, we are late Sheikh!"
It's Time 4
Construction after the
Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلمTimeAbdullah ibn az-Zubayr
The Syrian army destroyed [damaged] the Kaba in Muharram 64 (Hijri date, 683 C.E.) and before the next Hajj Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr, may Allah be pleased with him, reconstructed the Kaba from the ground up.Ibn az-Zubayr wanted to make the Kaba how the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wanted it, on the foundation of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS).
Ibn az-Zubayr said, "I heard Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) say, 'The Prophet said: "If your people had not quite recently abandoned the Ignorance (Unbelief), and if I had sufficient provisions to rebuild it [the Kaba], I would have added five cubits to it from the Hijr. Also, I would make two doors: one for people to enter therein and the other to exit." (Bukhari).
Ibn az-Zubayr said, "Today, I can afford to do it and I do not fear the people."Ibn az-Zubayr built the Kaba on Prophet Ibrahim's foundation.He put the roof on three pillars with the wood of Aoud (a perfumed wood with aroma which is traditionally burned to get a good smell out of it in Arabia). In his construction he put two doors, one facing the east the other facing the west, as the Prophet wanted but did not do in his lifetime. He rebuilt the Kaba on the Prophet Ibrahim's foundation, which meant that the Hateem area was included. The Hateem is the area adjacent to the Kaba enclosed by a low semi-circular wall. Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr also made the following additions and modifications:- put a small window close to the roof of the Kaba to allow for light. - moved the door of the Kaba to ground level and added a second door to the Kaba. - added nine cubits to the height of the Kaba, making it twenty cubits high. - its walls were two cubits wide. - reduced the pillars inside the House to three instead of six as were earlier built by Quraish.For reconstruction, ibn az-Zubayr put up four pillars around Kaba and hung cloth over them until the building was completed. People began to do Tawaf around these pillars at all times, so Tawaf of the Kaba was never abandoned, even during reconstruction.
During Abdul Malik bin Marwan's time:In 74 Hijri (or 693 according to the Gregorian calendar), Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi, the known tyrant of that time, with the approval of Umayyad Khalifa Abdul Malik bin Marwan, demolished what Ibn az-Zubayr had added to it from the older foundation of Prophet Ibrahim, restored its old structure as the Quraish had had it.Some of the changes he made were the following:- he rebuilt it in the smaller shape which is found today - took out the Hateem - walled up the western door (whose signs are still visible today) and left the rest as It was - pulled down the wall in the Hateem area. - removed the wooden ladder Ibn az-Zubayr had put inside the Kaba. - reduced the door's height by five cubits.When Abdul Malik bin Marwan came for Umra and heard the Hadith that it was wish of Prophet for the Kaba to be constructed the way Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr had built it, he regretted his actions.
Imam Malik's advice to the Khalifa Harun al RasheedAbbasi Khalifa Harun al Rasheed wanted to rebuild the Kaba the way the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wanted and the way Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr built it.But when he consulted Imam Malik, the Imam asked the Khalifa to change his mind because constant demolition and rebuilding is not respectful and would become a toy in the hands of kings. Each one would want to demolish and rebuild the Kaba. Based on this advice, Harun al Rasheed did not reconstruct the Kaba. The structure remained in the same construction for 966 years, with minor repairs here and there.
Reconstruction during Sultan Murad Khan's timeIn the year 1039 Hijri, because of heavy rain, flood and hail, two of the Kaba's walls fell down. The flood during which this occurred took place on the 19th of Shaban 1039 Hijri [April 2, 1630] which continued constantly, so the water in the Kaba became almost close to half of its walls, about 10 feet from the ground level. On Thursday the 20th of Shaban 1039 Hijri, the eastern and western walls fell down. When flood receded on Friday the 21st of Shaban, the cleanup started. Again, a curtain, the way Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr established on 4 pillars, was put up, and the reconstruction started on the 26th of Ramadan [May 9, 1630]. The rest of the walls except for the one near the Black Stone, were demolished.By the 2nd of Zul-Hijjah 1040 [July 2, 1631] the construction was taking place under the guidance of Sultan Murad Khan, the Ottoman Khalifa. From the point of the Black Stone and below, the current construction is the same as that done by Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr. The construction which was done under the auspices of Murad Khan was exactly the one done at the time of Abdul Malik ibn Marwan which is the way the Quraysh had built it before Prophethood.On Rajab 28 1377 [Feb. 17, 1958], One historian counted the total stones of the Kaba and they were 1,614. These stones are of different shapes. But the stones which are inside the outer wall which is visible are not counted in there.
Reconstruction of the Kaba in 1996A major reconstruction of the Kaba took place between May 1996 and October 1996. This was after a period of about 400 years (since Sultan Murad Khan's time). During this reconstruction the only original thing left from the Kaba are the stones. All other material has been replaced including the ceiling and the roof and its wood.The history of custody of the Holy Ka’aba, or the Holy Mosque in general, have witnessed a lot of important stages and events.It started with Prophet Ismael and then after he passed away it went to his son “Thabet” until it it was taken from his children by force by their mother’s tribe “Jurhum” and they were in charge for century until it was taken by force again by “Khuza’a” and it stayed in their hands for several centuries too until the time when Makkah and the Holy Ka’aba was in the hands of “Qusai ibn Kelab ibn Murra Al-Qurashi” who is the fifth grandfather of the Prophet Muhammed PBUH.He took it back from Khuza’a, since he was from the grandsons of Prophet Ismael, and after his death it went to his eldest son “AbdulDar” and it continued to be in his children control. It ended up in the hands of “Shaiba ibn Uthman ibn Talha” and his real name is “Abdullah ibn Abdeluzza ibn Uthman ibn Abduldar ibn Qusai”.The custody of the Holy Ka’aba today is in the hands of his great great grandsons.“Hussein Abdullah Basalama” have introduced very important information about “The History of The Holy Ka’aba...It’s Structure, Cloth and Custody” it was included in a book printed 75 years ago and was dedicated to the founder of Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz.It’s second edition was reprinted in 1982.He pointed out various important stages in the history of the custody of the Holy Ka’aba, before and after Islam. What we are concerned about here is how did the custody of the Holy Ka’aba end up to “Bani Shaiba” or the family of Shaiba until these days and to point out who was the head of the custodians.The writer mentioned that the basic history and events of the custody of the Holy Ka’aba and how were the keys given back to Uthman ibn Talha and Shaiba ibn Uthman by the Prophet is mentioned in details in the books of Tafsir, Hadith, and Sira.
Ibn Sa’ad narrated that Uthman ibn Talha said “During “Jaheleya”, the era before Islam, we used to open the doors of the Ka’aba in Mondays and Thursadys.Once the Prophet PBUH came along with other people with the intention of entering the Ka’aba. I was rude to him, and he forgave me.He said to me:O Uthman, you might witness the day where I hold this key, and I give it to whom I wish.I replied: At that day Quraish must have been gone and defeated!The Prophet said: No, it would be victorious and prosperous.After that he entered the Ka’aba, and I was so sad because I knew it would happen until the day Makkah was conquered. He called me and said:O Uthman, give me the key.I gave it to him and he gave it back to me and said:Take it for eternity, no one will take it from you but an opresser.O Uthman, God have put trust in you, so take whatever comes to you through this house of his.When I left he called me again and said:Do you remember that day?. I said: Yes, I do. I bear witness that you are the Prophet of Allah.”"FIVE CUBITS AND TWO DOORS"?“O family of Abi Talha, take for eternity. No one will take it from you but an opressor”.
Ibn az-Zubayr said,
"I heard Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) say,
'The Prophet(s) said:
"If your people had not quite recently abandoned the Ignorance (Unbelief),
and if I had sufficient provisions to rebuild it [the Kaba],
I would have added five cubits to it from the Hijr.
Also, I would make two doors:
one for people to enter therein and the other to exit."

Ironically, when the Sufi cemetary was razed to make way for the University of Damascus and its campus in that city, King `Abd al-`Aziz ibn Sa`ud intervened personally to preserve intact the tombs of Ibn Taymiyya and his student Ibn Kathir.
“The Capital of the Monuments”
Mada'in Saleh (Al-Hijr or Hegra)
Saudi national government is attempting to overcome as it seeks to develop Mada'in Saleh,officially protected as an archaeological sitesince 1972, for its tourism potential.
“Madain Saleh (Al-Hijr) dates back to the Nabataeans Civilization considered as one of the very important archaeological site in Saudi Arabia that is called:
“The Capital of the Monuments”
as it contains huge amount of diverse and multifaceted monuments.”

Madain Saleh: Arabia’s Hidden Treasure – Saudi Arabia
By Danny V. Hizon | November 21st, 2006
“I found this to be true when I visited Madain Saleh in the northwestern part of Saudi Arabia. My readings about the place and the pictures I had seen did not prepare me for what I was to find. Madain Saleh reveals its splendor and unleashes its charms only to those who come. There is nothing like being sheltered in its valleys, being surrounded by the stunning shapes of its geological formations, being lulled by the tranquil atmosphere of its desert, and haunted by its mysteries.”

“There are 131 tombs, scattered over an area of about 12 square kilometers, according to published brochures. (All the hotel tour guides did not come to work on this day of feast.) I could see that the biggest concentration of them was in an area of a few square kilometers.
The tombs were carved on yellow sandstone rocks or mountains separated by hundreds of meters; some were small and had only one tomb while others were huge with many tombs carved all around their sides.
The tomb facades were finely etched with decorative elements showing Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, and Roman influences, but the interior chambers were plain. The main chambers were about four to six square miles in area with smaller niches on their sides. Some facades had plates on top of the entrances providing information about the grave owners, the religious system, and the masons who carved them – a feature that distinguishes them from those in Petra.”
[This is from Paul F. Hoye's article in North From Jeddah, published in Aramco World Magazine, September/October 1965. Paul F. Hoye is a former editor of Aramco World magazine. **Parker T. Hart, former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, as quoted in the above mentioned article.]
Mada’in Saleh: Arabian Rock Stars
“Two millenia on, I am being guided around the ruins by Abdul Aziz, who ten years ago retired from a career in the Saudi air force and police department to become a guide to the area. His family, which he reckons has been in the broader area for 1,000 years or more, moved to the nearby town of Al-Ula in his grandfather’s generation; his uncle was effectively the Saudi government’s representative for Al-Ula under King Abdul Aziz, who unified Saudi Arabia into roughly its current form in the 1930s. “At that time they don’t use the word governor,” today’s Abdul Aziz recalls. “They say ‘one of King Abdul Aziz’s people’.”
Even then, as de facto head of the town, there was little involvement for his uncle with Mada’in Saleh, barely 20 kilometres to the north; “They don’t know about this place then,” Abdul Aziz says.”
Wahhabi Destruction
After Mecca and Medina fell under Wahhabi control in1803,fundamentalists destroyed the marking of the tomb of Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and various other sites. Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II ordered Muhammad Ali to drive out the Wahhabis in 1811.The practice of destruction was strongly criticized by Sunni Muslims around the world.
The most serious destruction of the sites started in1806 when the Wahhabi army occupied Medina. They systematically levelled the Baqi’, or graveyard, there which contained the remains of central figures in early Islam. Mosques across the city were also targeted and an attempt was made to demolish the Prophet's Tomb.
Jannatul Al-Baqi
before the Evil wahabi Najdi destruction
On 8th Shawwal, Wednesday, in the year 1345 AH (April 21, 1925), mausoleums in Jannatul Al-Baqi (Madina) were demolished by King Ibn Saud.
Jannatul Al-Baqi before Wahabi destruction
Jannatul Al-Baqi^after 1925

Jannat al-Mualla

^Jannat al-Mualla before wahabi destruction
In the same year (1925), he also demolished the tombs of holy personalities at Jannat al-Mualla (Makkah) where the Holy Prophet (saw)'s mother, wife, grandfather and other ancestors are buried.
A 1994 fatwa proclaimed by Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz, then the kingdom’s highest religious authority stated that:
“It is not permitted to glorify buildings and historical sites...Such action would lead to polytheism.”
("But,though may... Kiss,bow and Glorify me")
Between 500-600 mausoleums and other early Islamic revered structures have been destroyed to prevent them becoming objects of adoration for worshippers. It is estimated that 95% of millennium-old buildings, historic mosques, mausoleums and other artifacts, have been demolished in the past two decades.
Jannat al-Mualla (Makkah)
Jannatul Al-Baqi (Medina)
Watch Here
The Blessed Dome!
Sheikh al Albani demanded in four or five of his books that the Noble Grave be brought out of the Mosque in Madina and its Green Dome destroyed.
He states: “I have found no evidence for the Prophet’s – Allah bless and greet him – hearing of the salaam of those who greet him at his grave” and “I do not know from where Ibn Taymiyya took his claim: In Majmu`a al-Fatawa (27:384).
That he – Allah bless and greet him – hears the salaam from someone near.” This and the previous item are among his greater enormities and bear the unmistakable signature of innovation and deviation.
In his notes on Nu`man al-Alusi’s al-Ayat al-Bayyinat (p. 80) and his Silsila Da`ifa (#203).
Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi`i who asked that the Noble Grave be brought out of the Mosque and the Green Dome destroyed
Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi‘i – known through his books and tapes for his propensity to insult and disparage those of the Ulema who disagree with him, those who call unto Allah, and the pious of this Community of Islam – to produce some research at the end of his studies at the Islamic University of Madîna titled “About the Dome Built over the Grave of the Messenger ” sponsored by Shaykh Hammad al-Ansarî.
In this paper he demands openly and without shame that the Noble Grave be brought out of the Mosque, deems the presence of the Grave and Noble Dome there major innovations, and asks that they both be destroyed! On top of this you granted him high marks and a passing grade!
"It is not permitted to glorify buildings and historical sites," proclaimed Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz, then the kingdom's highest religious authority, in a much-publicized fatwa in 1994.
"Such action would lead to polytheism. ... [S]o it is necessary to reject such acts and to warn others away from them."
* A pamphlet published by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, endorsed by Abdulaziz Al Sheikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, and distributed at the Prophet's Mosque, where Mohammed, Abu Bakr, and the Islamic Caliph Umar ibn Al Khattab are buried, reads,
"The green dome shall be demolished and the three graves flattened in the Prophet's Mosque," according to Irfan Al Alawi, executive director of the London-based Islamic Heritage Research Foundation.
This shocking sentiment was echoed in a speech by the late Muhammad ibn Al Uthaymeen, one of Saudi Arabia's most prominent Wahhabi clerics, who delivered sermons in Mecca's Grand Mosque for over 35 years: "We hope one day we'll be able to destroy the green dome of the Prophet Mohammed," he said, in a recording provided by Al Alawi.
The Blessed Dome
“The reason why it has not been demolished”
Read: Here
The Cradle of Islam
is almost demolished!

Medina: Saudis take a bulldozer to Islam's history
Authorities are building a mosque so big it will hold 1.6m people – but are demolishing irreplaceable monuments to do it
Wahhabiyah - Finally demolishing Ottoman andAbbasid sections on the eastern side of the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca.
Many of the Ottoman and Abbasid columns in Mecca were inscribed with intricate Arabic calligraphy marking the names of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) companions and key moments in his life. One column which is believed to have been ripped down is supposed to mark the spot where Muslims believe Muhammad(PBUH) began his heavenly journey on Buraq , which took him toJerusalem and heaven in a single night (al Isra al Miraj)
House of Mawlid:
^April 2014